489 – Lions for Lambs [Von Löwen und Lämmern]

History, Drama (USA — 2007)

Jasper Irving, a rising Republican senator, has summoned Janine Roth, the head journalist at a large news corporation, to sell her on the government's new military strategy. It's his hope that she in turn will sell the public on the idea. Meanwhile, a history professor is trying to convince one of his more promising students to strive to make a difference in the world. Professor Malley believes Todd Hayes to be a bright young man, and he wants to know why Todd has become so apathetic about his schoolwork, and, after the two banter back and forth about the nature of activism, Malley tells him about two of his former students, Ernest and Arian, both of whom are currently serving in Iraq. Unbeknownst to Malley, at that very moment, Ernest and Arian are engaging in the exact military strategy that Senator Irving is discussing with Roth. Their mission has just gone terribly awry, and the men have fallen into enemy territory. So the senator and journalist argue, the professor and student debate, and all the while the wounded soldiers wait desperately for rescue.

Directed by: Robert Redford
Written by: Matthew Michael Carnahan
Produced by: Matthew Michael Carnahan, Andrew Hauptman, Tracy Falco
Starring: Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise

Length: 88 mins.
Rating: 15 (BBFC)

Audio Tracks: en, de
Subtitles: en, de, da, fi, no, sv, tr
DVD/BD Region: 2
Purchased on: 24 March 2010
