180 – Back to the Future Trilogy [Zurück in die Zukunft - Trilogie]

Adventure, Comedy, SciFi (USA — 1985)

[30th Anniversary Edition]
Part 1 (1985, 111 mins.): When teenager Marty McFly tries out Dr Emmett Brown's time machine he is sent to 1955, where he unwittingly changes his parents' destiny. Can he put things right and return to the future before it's too late?
Part 2 (1989, 104 mins.): After visiting 2015, Marty must repeat his visit to 1955 to prevent disastrous changes to 1985... without interfering with his first trip.
Part 3 (1990, 113 mins.): Stranded in 1955 after a freak burst of lightning, Marty must travel to 1885 to rescue Doc Brown from a premature end.

Regie: Robert Zemeckis
Drehbuch: Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale
Produzent(en): Bob Gale, Neil Canton
Darsteller: Michael J. Fox, Crispin Glover, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson

Länge: 342 Min.
Altersangabe: 6 (nach BBFC)

Audio-Sprachen: en, de, tr, ja
Untertitel: en, de, ja, da, sv, no, fi, is, pt, tr
DVD/BD-Region: 2
Gekauft am: 23. Juni 2017
