377 – Perfume - The Story Of A Murderer [Das Parfüm]

Period, Thriller, Crime (D/F/E/USA — 2006)

In 18th Century France, amongst the stinking entrails of rotting fish, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born: a genius, a monster, a murderer. Notoriously obsessed with scent, he embarks on an ever-more terrifying quest in search of the ultimate ingredient to create the most powerful perfume in the world.

Regie: Tom Tykwer
Drehbuch: Andrew Birkin, Bernd Eichinger, Tom Tykwer
Produzent(en): Bernd Eichinger
Darsteller: Dustin Hoffman, Alan Rickman, Rachel Hurd Wood, Ben Wishaw

Länge: 132 Min.
Altersangabe: 15 (nach BBFC)

Audio-Sprachen: en
Untertitel: en
DVD/BD-Region: 2
Gekauft am: 12. November 2007
