342 – All the President's Men [Die Unbestechlichen]

Politics, Thriller, History (USA — 1976)

In 1972 five men are arrested trying to install bugs in the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington D.C. When two young reporters of the Washington Post start investigating this incident, they begin a two-year fight which ends in the resignation of the American President.

Regie: Alan J. Pakula
Drehbuch: Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward
Produzent(en): Walter Coblenz
Darsteller: Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Robards, Martin Balsam, Hal Holbrook

Länge: 133 Min.
Altersangabe: 15 (nach BBFC)

Audio-Sprachen: en de it pl
Untertitel: en bg da fi de el iw it is no pl pt ro sv
DVD/BD-Region: 2
Gekauft am: 16. November 2006
